The Establishment and Promotion of Free Exercise for Health Enhancement of Korean in US Military Era 미군정기 국민보건체조의 제정과 보급
임석원SukWonYim , 조문기MoonGiCho
51(1) 1-11, 2012
The Establishment and Promotion of Free Exercise for Health Enhancement of Korean in US Military Era 미군정기 국민보건체조의 제정과 보급
임석원SukWonYim , 조문기MoonGiCho
This study examined the establishment and popularization realities of the National Health Gymnastics carried out for the whole nation as a domain of 'new physical education movement' initiated shortly after the liberation from Japanese occupation, and reached the following conclusions through reviewing the primary historical sources such as the first volume of Chosun Gymnastic Federation Collections, bulletins, newspapers, photographs, autobiographies and other related materials. The establishment of the National Health Gymnastics(August 11, 1946) was made on the basis of the trend of Chosun sports world recognizing as the national policy the restoration of the national power through the accommodation of new physical education ideology and the nation founding on physical education, and to reform the national brand, 'Korea'. The establishment and popularization of the National Health Gymnastics is thought to have been a turning point from the nation-leading physical education based on school physical education in the times before the liberation to civilian-leading physical education based on athletics in public.
Key Words
Free Exercise for Health Promotion, after Liberation
I-Thou Relationship of Martin Buber and Dance Education 마틴 부버의 나-너 관계 체험과 무용교육
51(1) 13-25, 2012
I-Thou Relationship of Martin Buber and Dance Education 마틴 부버의 나-너 관계 체험과 무용교육
The purpose of this study was to clarify the essential nature and structure of the dance experience of 'I-Thou Relationship' of Martin Buber from the phenomenological perspective. This study focused its concern into the subjective experience of ballet and sport dancer's intrinsic relationship with their partners. The followings were articulated as the result of this study. First, the nature of I-Thou Relationship would be an encounter which maximizes the value and meaning of human being's existential status. It is a relation between dancer and dancer through human body in personally and socially. Second, the experiential nature and the structure of 'I-Thou relationship in duet performance were examined and conceptualized within five characteristics : mutuality, directness, presence, intensity, ineffability. Finally, some educational implications would be the tool for developing dance education: 1) dance education as communicating experience of bodily movements and subjective awareness. 2) dance education directing and promoting social relationship and perceiving others.
Key Words
Dance Education, Martin Buber, I-Thou Relationship, Inter-subjectivity
Body View of Poomsae Player from the Viewpoint of 'Body Schema' of Merleau-Ponty 메를로-퐁티의 '신체도식(body schema)'관점에서 본 품새선수의 신체관
전민우MinWooJeon , 하피터PeTerHa , 전익기IkKiJeon
51(1) 27-34, 2012
Body View of Poomsae Player from the Viewpoint of 'Body Schema' of Merleau-Ponty 메를로-퐁티의 '신체도식(body schema)'관점에서 본 품새선수의 신체관
전민우MinWooJeon , 하피터PeTerHa , 전익기IkKiJeon
The purpose of this study was to research how Poomsae players who have to express internal states externally recognize body with the viewpoint of body schema of Merleau Ponty and find out the clue to explain the meaning of Poomsae training ultimately. 12 Poomsae players were selected. Data were collected through in-depth interview. Besides it, participation observation diaries and player's competition epilogues were used. Data were analyzed in the process of dissolution-test-comparison-conceptualization by using open coding. The researcher surveyed the recognitions of Poomsae players with the viewpoint of body schema of Merleau Ponty that defined the owned body with objective aspect by returning body phenomenologically. The knowledge about Poomsae that Poomsae player acquired was a practical knowledge that is acquired through repeated training of programmed motion. The habituated practical knowledge enables players to get the proprioception about Poomsae motion and have the ability to detect subtle difference of motion. 'Owned body' forms the second body concept, which is located in the objective aspect where body and mind are not separated, on the basis of arc intentionnel originated from proprioception and consciousness. In other words, 'owned body' explains that Poomsae players understand the world through own bodies by projecting their body views to the world.
Key Words
body schema, owned body, proprioception, arc intentionnel
The Effect of Social Support on Social Capital of Amateur Golfers 골프 동호인의 사회적 지원이 사회자본에 미치는 영향
51(1) 35-46, 2012
The Effect of Social Support on Social Capital of Amateur Golfers 골프 동호인의 사회적 지원이 사회자본에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of social support on social capital of amateur golfers. In this study, the 352 valid sample of amateur golfers which were live in B city were used for data analysis using extraction(convenience sampling). Data were analyzed with descriptive analysis, exploratory factor analysis, t-test, One-way ANOVA, multiple regression analysis, and Duncan test for post-hoc test for hypotheses testing. The conclusions of this study were as follows; First, There were significant differences in social support depend on demographic characteristics of amateur golfers. Amateur golfers who have higher income, shorter golf experiences, country club membership, join in more golf clubs and housewives as job have been supported higher social support than those who were not. Second, There were significant differences in social capital depend on demographic characteristics of amateur golfers. Amateur golfers who have higher income, shorter golf experiences, country club membership, join in more golf clubs and housewives as job have performed higher social capital than those who were not. Third, social support such as material support, emotional support, and informational support significantly have influenced social capital such as the trust, the network, and the reciprocity of amateur golfers.
Key Words
social capital, social support, amateur golfers
Influence of the Changing Process of Excercise Behavior on Ego Integrity of the Aged Participating in Sport for All 생활체육 참여노인의 운동행동변화과정이 자아통합감에 미치는 영향
조승현SeungHyunCho , 김인형InHyungKim
51(1) 47-59, 2012
Influence of the Changing Process of Excercise Behavior on Ego Integrity of the Aged Participating in Sport for All 생활체육 참여노인의 운동행동변화과정이 자아통합감에 미치는 영향
조승현SeungHyunCho , 김인형InHyungKim
The purpose of this study was to examine how the changing process of exercise behavior influences ego integrity of the aged participating in Sports-for-All. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, 299 individuals were selected by using t-test and multiple regression analysis and the results of the study were as follows. First, the female group showed higher self-liberation, helping relationship, and counter-conditioning factors than the male group in the changing process of excercise behavior. According to the age, the group of above 70 showed higher environmental reevaluation and self-liberation factors than the group of 65~70. Second, the female group showed higher wise life factor than the male group in the ego integrity. Finally, among the sub-factors of the changing process of exercise behavior, only the counter-conditioning factor had meaningful influence on the satisfaction of current life factor and the satisfaction of life and death factor. Also the helping relationship factor, the counter-conditioning, the consciousness raising and the self-liberation factor in order influenced the wise life factor meaningfully.
Key Words
aged participating in Sports-for-All, changing process of excercise behavior, ego integrity
The Relation Between Sport Orientations and Athletic Identity Among Student-Athletes 학생선수의 스포츠지향과 운동선수 정체성의 관계
51(1) 61-73, 2012
The Relation Between Sport Orientations and Athletic Identity Among Student-Athletes 학생선수의 스포츠지향과 운동선수 정체성의 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between sport orientations and athletic identity among student-athletes. Student-athletes(N=391) were selected as usable data by convenience sampling method. Data was collected by Sport Orientations Questionnaires(SOQ; Gill & Deeter, 1988) and Athletic Identity Measurement (AIMS; Martin, 1994). According to research mater, Multiple Regression Analysis and One-way ANOVA through SPSS 19.0 are applied for the analysis of the data. The results are as follows; First, it was showed that sport orientations partially differed by the student-athletes' athletic careers and prize-winning. Second, it was showed that athletic identity orientations partially differed by the student-athletes' sport participation athletic careers and prize-winning. Third, sport orientations influenced positively on athletic identity.
Key Words
athletic identity, sport orientations, student-athletes
The Leisure Sports Participation, Life Stress, Depression and Buffering Effect of Resilience Among the Elderly 노인의 여가스포츠활동 참가에 따른 생활스트레스와 우울의 관계에서 회복탄력성의 완충효과
최미리MiRiChoi , 이양출YangChoolLee
51(1) 75-90, 2012
The Leisure Sports Participation, Life Stress, Depression and Buffering Effect of Resilience Among the Elderly 노인의 여가스포츠활동 참가에 따른 생활스트레스와 우울의 관계에서 회복탄력성의 완충효과
최미리MiRiChoi , 이양출YangChoolLee
The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of leisure sports participation, life stress, depression and buffering effect of resilience among the elderly through analysis of the intermediating effect of resilience. The participation of this study 243 elderly people who were convenient sampling from the elderly residents in Incheon. For accomplishing this study for analyzing the collected data were reliability analysis, descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, standard multiple regression analysis, hierarchical regression analysis. From the analysis of this study, the following conclusions were obtained: First, according to the participated in leisure sports activities of elderly people, it was partially effected on life stress, depression, resilience. Second, the degree of participation of elderly people's leisure sports activities, it was partially effected on life stress, depression and resilience. Thirdly, elderly people's life stress effected on depression. Lastly, the elderly life stress, depression and resilience are related to the buffering effect of resilience.
Key Words
leisure sports participation, life stress, depression, resilience
Media Analysis Regarding the Match-fixing Scandals in K-League 프로축구 승부조작사건 보도의 미디어 구성
김한주HanJooKim , 김성훈SungHunKim
51(1) 91-100, 2012
Media Analysis Regarding the Match-fixing Scandals in K-League 프로축구 승부조작사건 보도의 미디어 구성
김한주HanJooKim , 김성훈SungHunKim
The purpose of this study is to analyze the news related to the match-fixing scandals in K-League. The object is to find that first, how the news related to the match-fixing scandals reports the formation of news subject definition. Second, how the news reports the formation of news solution. The study conducted in total of 163 news items related to the match-fixing scandals from the 4 newspapers. The 4 newspapers are Dong-a Ilbo, Hankyoreh daily newspaper, Kyunghyang daily newspaper, Chosun daily newspaper. The results of this study was followed. First, the formation of news subject definition was 'player's economic factor and the illegal betting' 92(34.1%), 'Sports ToTo/illegal betting site' 43(15.9%), 'broker's intervention and player bribery' 42(15.6%), 'criminal organization's intervention' 29(10.7%), leader/team's managing carelessness' 24(8.9%), 'association's managing carelessness' 16(5.9%), 'L-league operating crisis' 17(6.3%), 'social structure problem' 7(2.6%). Second, the formation of news solution was 'depending to the prosecutor's investigation' 60(26.4%), 'reform of Sports ToTo/extermination of illegal betting' 35(15.4%), 'awakening of the association' 35(15.4%), 'penalty of the players and leaders' 31(13.7%), 'educating for the player/leaders' 25(11.0%), 'non-solution' 18(7.9%), 'penalty of the team' 12(5.3%), 'investigation of the criminal association' 11(4.9%).
The Exploration of the Feasibility of Marine Sports Education as Physical Education 학교체육으로서 해양스포츠 교육의 실현 가능성 탐색
51(1) 101-111, 2012
The Exploration of the Feasibility of Marine Sports Education as Physical Education 학교체육으로서 해양스포츠 교육의 실현 가능성 탐색
This study aims to explore the feasibility of marine sports education as physical education. To this end, an in-depth interview was conducted among the 8 individuals including marine sports experts, PE teachers of elementary·middle·high schools, college professors, officials in the Office of Education, and city hall officials in addition to the documentary survey. As a result, it turned out that marine sports helped make good use of leisure time that would contribute to youths' cultivation of personalities and emotions, and that it reflected the values as means of natural environment education in that nature-friendly elements were being emphasized. In addition, it turned out that it was necessary to establish 'marine sports centers' run by educational organizations as a space for education involving both theoretical education and practical training, and that there should be a dedicated, and professional agency to educate marine sports trainers, rather than the current system that judges the expertise of a marine sports trainer only based on the Life-time Sports Trainer certificate. Since a negative view of marine sports among those who have no experience and knowledge in marine sports could be a big obstacle, there should be lectures and training programs for parents, teachers, and school staff to facilitate changes in their recognition. In conclusion, it turned out that to solve such problems above and realize marine sports education in elementary·middle·high schools, there should be cooperative efforts among the Office of Education, schools, and municipal office.
Key Words
Busan, marine sports education., exploration of the feasibility
The Implications of Social Interest for Japanese Female Boxer Tenku Tsubasa 일본 여성 권투선수 덴쿠 쓰바사에 대한 사회적 관심의 함의
51(1) 113-130, 2012
The Implications of Social Interest for Japanese Female Boxer Tenku Tsubasa 일본 여성 권투선수 덴쿠 쓰바사에 대한 사회적 관심의 함의
This study explored the phenomenon that Koreans delivered an exceptional cheer and encouragement to a Japanese boxer Tsubasa after a TV show ‘Moohandojun’ of MBC was broadcasted in 2010. Firstly, this study analyzed what and how Moohandojun and Seok-Hee Son’s radio show ‘Sisunjipjung’ broadcasted about the issue through the text analysis. For this, 101 newspaper articles, 280 blog articles, and citizens’ comments on internet were analysed to see reflection on the issue. As a result, we found that Moohandojun urged a support to Korean boxing and Hyunmi Choi, and Sisunjipjung friendly broadcasted Tsubasa’s individual history. Meanwhile, newspapers published 10 to 19-line straight-type internet articles that were overall positive, emotional, and realistic; and blog articles were emotional and realistic that contained true meaning of boxing and Tsubasa. More importantly, refutation, controversy, and verbal violence were not found among citizens’ internet comments that often occurred in the other matters between Korea and Japan. Based on the findings, we concluded that the sincere effort of public broadcast integrates citizens, Koreans have a strong confidence over Japanese, women’s appearance functions for their social status, and Tsubasa syndrome does not last long to popularize boxing so media and government’s continuous support are necessary.
Key Words
Japanese female boxer, Tenku Tsubasa, social interest, implications
Development of Korean Exercise Imagery Scale(EII-K) 한국판 운동 심상 검사지 타당성 연구
The purpose of this study was to establish validity of Korean exercise imagery scale(EII-K). First, it was translated by Korean the exercise imagery scale developed by Giacobbi, Hausenblas and Penfield(2005) and was modified that was considered Korean culture and total 1,099 subjects were participated in the questionnaire(Exploratory factor analysis:327, Confirmatory factor analysis:208, investigation-reinvestigation analysis:26, group analysis of variance:538). The measurement is composed of content validity, face validity, contents analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability test, two-way ANOVA. The results of this study was classified to total 4 factors, name of appearance-health imagery, exercise technique, exercise feeling, exercise self efficacy. It was identified significant difference between group and get variance 67.13% The results of difference of exercise imagery on exercise level, sex, age was significant. Finally, it was identified that the Korean exercise imagery scale(EII-K) would be use valuable to measure the exercise imagery scale for Korean. also it would expected to be used valuable through verification among various variables in the future.
Key Words
Exercise Imagery, reliability, validity
Analysis of Casual Structure Among Sports Coach's Coaching Knowledge, Leadership and Sports Behavior 스포츠지도자의 코칭지식과 리더십 그리고 운동행동의 구조모형 분석
51(1) 143-152, 2012
Analysis of Casual Structure Among Sports Coach's Coaching Knowledge, Leadership and Sports Behavior 스포츠지도자의 코칭지식과 리더십 그리고 운동행동의 구조모형 분석
The purpose of this study was to analyze of mediation effect of transformational leadership in the relationship between sports coach's coaching knowledge and sports behavior. For the subjects of this study, 153 rowing players(male:100, female:53) were selected, For the measurement instruments of this study, 3 questionnaires were used, composed of Coaching Knowledge Questionnaire, Transformational Leadership Questionnaire, and Sports Behavior Questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and covariance structure analysis using SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 7.0 program. The following conclusions were drawn: First, coach's coaching knowledge had an effect on transformational leadership. Second, transformational leadership had an effect on sports behavior of rowing player. Third, coach's coaching knowledge had an effect on sports behavior of rowing player. In brief, mediating model of leadership in the relationship between coaching knowledge and sports behavior is verified suitable.
Understanding the Motivated Strategies for Learning in Physical Education Classes: Moderating Effects of Gender, Motivational Climate and Achievement Goals 체육수업에서 학습 동기화전략의 이해: 성별과 동기분위기 및 성취목표의 중재효과
박중길JungGilPark , 이경환KyoungHwanLee
51(1) 153-166, 2012
Understanding the Motivated Strategies for Learning in Physical Education Classes: Moderating Effects of Gender, Motivational Climate and Achievement Goals 체육수업에서 학습 동기화전략의 이해: 성별과 동기분위기 및 성취목표의 중재효과
박중길JungGilPark , 이경환KyoungHwanLee
The purpose of the study was to examine whether a moderating effect of approach-avoidance goals in the relationship between motivational climate and learning strategies in physical education classes is different or not according to students' gender. Participants were 851 middles school students and responded to a set of questionnaire assessing perceived motivational climate, achievement goals, and motivated strategy for learning. The results of moderated regression analyses were as follows; Gender, mastery climate, and approach-avoidance goals significantly predicted self-efficacy strategy, but did not moderate the relationship between motivational climate and self-efficacy. Gender, mastery climate, mastery-approach, performance-approach, and performance-avoidance goals also predicted intrinsic value, but did not moderate the relationship between motivational climate and intrinsic value. For male students endorsing a high mastery-approach goal, the perception that the class climate was high in mastery cues was associated with increased evaluation anxiety, and for female students high in mastery climate the evaluation anxiety was decreased. A three-way interaction between gender, mastery-approach goal, and mastery climate emerged in cognitive strategy. Also a three-way interaction between gender, mastery-avoidance goal, and performance climate emerged in self-regulation strategy. The implications for students' motivated strategies for learning in physical education classes and future directions were discussed.
Key Words
school physical education, motivational climate, achievement goals, learning strategies
Why Did They Cheer in 2010 World Cup: The Dynamics of Red Devils' Street Cheering Motive Compared to 2002 World Cup 2010 월드컵 붉은악마 거리응원 동기와 2002 월드컵 거리응원 동기를 통해 본 거리응원 동기의 역동성
윤영길YoungKilYun , 권오정OhJungKwon
51(1) 167-177, 2012
Why Did They Cheer in 2010 World Cup: The Dynamics of Red Devils' Street Cheering Motive Compared to 2002 World Cup 2010 월드컵 붉은악마 거리응원 동기와 2002 월드컵 거리응원 동기를 통해 본 거리응원 동기의 역동성
윤영길YoungKilYun , 권오정OhJungKwon
The purpose of this study was to investigate the motives of street cheering in 2010 World Cup, to make a comparison of the motives of street cheering in 2010 World Cup with those for 2002 World Cup, and to explore the change phase of street cheering motives during two world cup games. For this study, open-ended questionnaires were used to explore the motives of street cheering of 661 Red Devil members, the supporters of Korean soccer team, at the plaza in front of the Seoul City Hall and Samsung-dong COEX mall during two matches. As results, 1,549 responses were collected for street cheering motives and these responses were sorted as four areas, which were cheering, exhilaration, cohesion, and experience. The frequency and factors of specific areas of street cheering motives were analyzed in order to explore the phase of street cheering motives of 2002 and 2010 world cup. Consequently, "exhilaration", the motive of enjoying the street cheering itself and radiating enthusiasm, was a very strong participation motive in 2010. It is expected that the approach of this study, exploring the motive of Red Devil's street cheering with the lapse of time, would suggest a comprehension about the psychological essence of social circumstances and a useful perspective on chasing the dynamic change of group psychology.
Key Words
red devils, 2002 World Cup, 2010 World Cup, Street Cheering, Motive
Effects of Subject Interest of Physical Education on Class Flow of Middle and High School Students 중ㆍ고등학생들의 체육교과 흥미도가 수업몰입에 미치는 영향
51(1) 179-191, 2012
Effects of Subject Interest of Physical Education on Class Flow of Middle and High School Students 중ㆍ고등학생들의 체육교과 흥미도가 수업몰입에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to identify difference in students on subject interest and class flow of physical education and to analyze effects of subject interest factors on class flow of students. The subjects of this study were 415 middle and high school students in Gyeonggi Province, sampled by convenience sampling. The collected data were conducted of T-test, one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis with the PASW Ver 18.0 program. Based on the results, First, the Students' personal characteristics(gender and functional levels) according to the physical education subject all of the interesting sub-factors were statistically significant difference between groups. Second, the students' personal characteristics (gender and functional levels) according to the flow classes for all sub-factors were statistically significant difference between groups. Third, interest of physical education had statistically significant effects on class flow of the students, but among the sub-factors of interest of physical education, factor of teacher preference did not have significant effects on class flow(challenge/control) and factors of value and effort did not have significant effects on class flow(process integration).
Key Words
Interest in the physical education subject, class flow
The Students’ Cognition about Dance Sport Classes ‘춤’ 수업에 대한 학생들의 인식
박인서InSeoPark , 김승재SeungJaeKim
51(1) 193-206, 2012
The Students’ Cognition about Dance Sport Classes ‘춤’ 수업에 대한 학생들의 인식
박인서InSeoPark , 김승재SeungJaeKim
This case study confirms students’feelings about dance sports in physical education classes. The subjects were 100 high school students (84 male, 16 female) who took about 20 dance classes (waltz and jive). Data of this study were students’essay about dance class, discussion about dance class, interviews with students, and researcher’s participational observation. Data-gathering terms were 3months from end of February to middle of May 2011. The results were as follows. First, almost all boy students expressed negative attitudes about dance sports class, but some boy students had low skill in sports and most girl students expressed a positive position at beginning class. Second, as the class began, most students participated happily and seriously. Third, students expressed five positive observations about dance sports class. Fourth, students participated actively in a schoolwide dance contest, it was an interesting educational activity to students, parents, and teachers.
Key Words
dance sport, class, cognition
An Examination of Relationship Among Role Characteristics of Sportscasters, Viewing Flow, and Viewing Satisfaction: Focusing on CATV European Football Broadcasting CATV 유럽프로축구 중계방송 진행자의 역할 특성에 따른 시청몰입과 시청만족에 관한 연구
고경진KyongJinKo , 김중현JoongHyunKim
51(1) 207-218, 2012
An Examination of Relationship Among Role Characteristics of Sportscasters, Viewing Flow, and Viewing Satisfaction: Focusing on CATV European Football Broadcasting CATV 유럽프로축구 중계방송 진행자의 역할 특성에 따른 시청몰입과 시청만족에 관한 연구
고경진KyongJinKo , 김중현JoongHyunKim
This study intended to examine the relationships among role characteristics of CATV sportscasters, viewing flow, and viewing satisfaction. For this research, a total of 250 questionnaire were given out to college students who have ever viewed European football leagues via CATV. Out of 250 questionnaire, 222 of them were used to analyze the data, and a convenience sampling method was employed to obtain their response. In order to attain the goal of this research, frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation analysis were carried out by utilizing SPSS 15.0. In addition, AMOS 7.0 was used to perform confirmatory factor analysis, and subsequently path analysis was made to verify the established hypotheses. The findings of this study were as follows. First of all, only language abilities factor had a statistically significant and positive relationship with viewing flow. Furthermore, both expertise and popularity factors alike did not have statistically significant influences on viewing flow. Lastly, viewing factor was shown to have a significant effect on viewing satisfaction.
Key Words
CATV, role characteristics, sportscasters, viewing flow, viewing satisfaction
A Study on Forecasting of Consumers Through Market Segmentation and Future Consumption Behavior According to Professional Soccer Spectators' Characteristics 프로축구 관전자의 특성에 따른 시장세분화 및 미래 소비행동 분석을 통한 소비자 예측
이정학JeoungHakLee , 정승훈SeungHoonJeong
51(1) 219-236, 2012
A Study on Forecasting of Consumers Through Market Segmentation and Future Consumption Behavior According to Professional Soccer Spectators' Characteristics 프로축구 관전자의 특성에 따른 시장세분화 및 미래 소비행동 분석을 통한 소비자 예측
이정학JeoungHakLee , 정승훈SeungHoonJeong
This study segmented the specters of professional soccer based on their demographic characteristics, characteristics related to professional soccer, lifestyle factors and symbolic consumption factor. Then applied and compared each segment on artificial neural networks model and logistic regression analysis to grasp a group which their future consumption behavior can be predictable. For data analysis, PASW 18.0 and SPSS Modeler 14.1 were used and the results are as follow. First, six clusters were extracted after analyzing the characteristics of professional soccer spectators. Second, the predictive value of future consuming behavior was shown by using artificial neural networks model and logistic regression model. It showed the predictive value of artificial neural networks(95.7%) turned out to be higher than logistic regression model(89.4%). Third, cross-tabulation and one-way ANOVA were performed to find out the characteristic of cluster which has the highest predictive value for future consuming behavior. And named it 'self-focused consuming and information preference soccer maniac group.' Fourth, in able to maintain 'self-focused consuming and information preference soccer maniac group' as spectator, various plan such as give a discount benefit for companions and providing communication method using variety of mass medium.
Key Words
professional soccer spectators' characteristics, market segmentation, future consumption, forecasting
The Strategies for Management Activation an Analysis of Organizational Environment of the International Roller Sports Federation 국제인라인롤러연맹의 조직환경 분석과 경영활성화 전략
김상훈SangHunKim , 김병식ByungShikKim
51(1) 237-248, 2012
The Strategies for Management Activation an Analysis of Organizational Environment of the International Roller Sports Federation 국제인라인롤러연맹의 조직환경 분석과 경영활성화 전략
김상훈SangHunKim , 김병식ByungShikKim
The purpose of this study is to propose forms of organizational strategies the federation of international roller sports should adopt and to realize the adopted organizational strategies by looking into strategies of vitalizing management the analysis of organizational environment of the federation of international roller sports, having a new understanding of the organizational environment of the federation of international roller sports, and analyzing the problems of current marketing activities of the federation of international roller sports. For the respondents, 46 countries out of 116 countries affiliated to the federation of international roller sports were set as a sample and questionaries were distributed to executive members of each national federation and collected via email. Data processing was carried out with a simple frequency and percentage by using Windows SPSS/PC ver. 18.0 to investigate general characteristics of study objects and Crombach's α and verification of content validity were implemented for verifying the validity and reliability of research tools. Moreover, an analysis of descriptive statistic was implemented to figure out the importance of each item in SWOT and the importance of inquiry papers by IOC program evaluation committee.
Key Words
International Roller Sports Federation, Organizational Environment, Activating Management Analysis
The Positioning by Choice Attributes of the Ski Resort Users 스키리조트 이용객의 선택속성에 따른 포지셔닝
양걸GirlYang , 강지현JiHyunKang
51(1) 249-260, 2012
The Positioning by Choice Attributes of the Ski Resort Users 스키리조트 이용객의 선택속성에 따른 포지셔닝
양걸GirlYang , 강지현JiHyunKang
This study aimed to identify what choice attributes of ski resort users estimate the ski resort and which ski resorts are recognized as the same quality. Data were collected at six ski resorts(Daemyung ski resort, High One ski resort, Phoenix ski resort, Muju ski resort, Yongpyong ski resort and Oak Valley ski resort) from December 4th to 19th in 2010. The 100 Questionnaires were distributed in six each resort and a total of 540 questionnaires out of 600 were used for this study, except 40 unfaithful responses. The contents of questionnaire were included in such five choice attributes as "main facilities, subsidiary facilities. price, distance, and promotion" which were considered relatively important by authors. The collected data were analyzed by PROXSCAL technique, one method of the MDS(Multidimensional Scaling), and Multiple Regression. As a result of this study, the highest competitive relationship among resorts showed Yongpyong ski resort and Muju ski resort and the lowest showed Phoenix ski resort and Oak Valley ski resort. Concerning choice attribute of ski resort, High One ski resort showed the highest positioning in the main facility. Oak Valley ski resort showed highest positioning in the subsidiary facilities and price. Deamyung Vivaldi ski resort showed highest positioning in the distance and Phoenix ski resort showed highest positioning in the promotion.
Key Words
ski resort, choice attribute, positioning
Development of the Psychological Contract Inventory for Sport Event Volunteers 스포츠이벤트 자원봉사자의 심리적 계약 척도 개발
조수연SuYeonCho , 김매이MaYKim , 문익수IkSooMoon
51(1) 261-272, 2012
Development of the Psychological Contract Inventory for Sport Event Volunteers 스포츠이벤트 자원봉사자의 심리적 계약 척도 개발
조수연SuYeonCho , 김매이MaYKim , 문익수IkSooMoon
The purpose of this study was to modify the psychological contract inventory to be specifically applicable to assess volunteer psychological contract in sports event settings. In order to develop a reliable and valid scale, we went through following three steps. First, previous researches regarding psychological contracts in psychology, management, and sports were explored. All items measuring psychological contract or expectation in this literature were listed and the relevance of these items to psychological contract of event volunteers were examined by experts in sport management and psychological contract research. Through this preliminary study, 43 items in six factors were produced(step1). Then, we collected data from 600 individuals who volunteered in the Formula 1 Korean Grand Prix. Data were randomly split into two-halves: one for EFA(step 2) and the other for CFA(step 3). An EFA was conducted on the 43 items to determine how many factors and items were necessary to measure volunteers' psychological contract in sport events. Sixteen items(five factors: career development, ego enhancement, reward, job content, working condition) were generated. The results of a CFA confirmed the suitability of the EFA results. It was shown that five factors model has good fit with acceptable construct validity and reliability. Based on three processes, a new psychological contract scale with 16 items(five factors) were developed. This new scale can be effectively used to study various psychological contract issues of sport event volunteers.
Key Words
psychological contract, volunteer, sports event
The Recovery Rate of Heart Rate and Blood Lactate After Maximal Exercise Test in Korean and Kenyan Male Elite Marathon Runners 한국과 케냐 남자 엘리트 마라톤 선수들의 최대 운동 후 심박수와 혈중 젖산 회복율 비교
조성연SeongYeonCho , 오창석ChangSukOh , 이재현JaeHyunLee
51(1) 273-281, 2012
The Recovery Rate of Heart Rate and Blood Lactate After Maximal Exercise Test in Korean and Kenyan Male Elite Marathon Runners 한국과 케냐 남자 엘리트 마라톤 선수들의 최대 운동 후 심박수와 혈중 젖산 회복율 비교
조성연SeongYeonCho , 오창석ChangSukOh , 이재현JaeHyunLee
The purpose of this study was to compare heart rate and blood lactate recovery after maximal exercise test between Kenyan(KN) and Korean(KR) male elite marathon runners. 18 male elite marathon runners(ten of KN and eight of KR) performed maximal graded exercise test. Heart rate at rest, peak, and every minutes until 10 minutes after all-out were recorded and blood lactate measured from the fingertip were recorded at rest, all-out and during recovery(2, 4, 6 and 10 minutes after exhaustion). The interaction of group and time in recoveries of heart rate(F=4.906, p=.003) was statistically significant although there was no difference in maximal oxygen uptake between KN and KR. Heart rate of KN was recovered to 59.2% at 1 min recovery then to 27.5% at 10 minute recovery while that of KR to 71.3% at 1 minute recovery then to 36.4% at 10 min recovery. Lactate of KN also showed more rapid recovery than that of KR , that is statistically significant(F=3.072, p=.039). In conclusion, Kenyan male elite marathon runner's recovery in heart rate and blood lactate after maximal exercise are higher than Korean ones.
Key Words
marathon, Kenya runner, heart rate recovery, blood lactate recovery
A Plan for Enhancing the Expertise of Sport/Physical Education-Related Departments in Universities 체육계열학과의 전문성 제고 방안
임태성TaeSeoungLim , 박재우JaeWooPark
51(1) 283-299, 2012
A Plan for Enhancing the Expertise of Sport/Physical Education-Related Departments in Universities 체육계열학과의 전문성 제고 방안
임태성TaeSeoungLim , 박재우JaeWooPark
A plan for enhancing the expertise of sport/PE-related departments in universities is as follows: Sport/PE-related departments studying physical education should seek a value of independence, have a direction of practicality, an activity-oriented nature and a field-oriented nature and pursue the essence and of sport science through the balance between the specialty of integrating theory and practice and the specialization and integration of them. Then they should keep up with the rapidly changing society. Sport science as a study and/or department in universities should be aimed at a future-oriented notion in order to produce expert knowledge to meet sports jobs of society in the future and nurture professionals. In other words, an aging society, the right to pursue one's happiness (legislative proceedings) and a ubiquitous society (U-Health care) as a future trend are currently a challenge and an opportunity given to domestic sport/PE-related departments. In terms of the enhancement of the expertise of sport/PE-related departments, the needs and circumstances of the times given to us are an organic change of college admission system, consilience and union between the various scientific sub-disciplines. Accordingly, we should establish a system for nurturing sports professionals to meet the future society’s job trend through reform of the collegiate curriculum.
Key Words
expertise, sport/PE-related department, sport science, future trend, theory, practice
The Coverage Trend of Korea Sport in USA Today USA Today'의 한국스포츠 보도경향
51(1) 301-311, 2012
The Coverage Trend of Korea Sport in USA Today USA Today'의 한국스포츠 보도경향
In this study, the coverage trend of Korea sport in 'USA Today' was analyzed by using a newspaper database. To do so, 364 articles for the last decades were actually utilized. In quantitative analysis, 2002 was the most articles based upon year. According to sport events, soccer was the highest rate of articles followed by golf, baseball, boxing, and swimming. Also, most of articles were actual reports rather than commentary and length of articles mainly consisted of short ones which is less than 500 words. Indirect articles for Korea sport had a little more than direct ones. Moreover, there were only 3 articles related to inter-Korean sport and Korean-Americans. In article contents, it was unequivocal that America tended to release articles regarding Korea sport while involved in America. Also, there were notable Korean athletes. Even so, they were not welcomed unless athletes were active in America. Although Americans positively recognized Korean athletes, they evaluated sport high-ranking officials as a corruptionist. Therefore, a brand-new image in international sport community is imperative.
Key Words
America, Korea sport, image
The Positive Attitudes of the National Park Service Employees Impact on Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Their Switching of Jobs 국립공원 관리원의 긍정적 태도가 직업만족도, 조직몰입, 이직의도에 미치는 영향
이원희WonHiLee , 박장근JangGeunPark
51(1) 313-322, 2012
The Positive Attitudes of the National Park Service Employees Impact on Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Their Switching of Jobs 국립공원 관리원의 긍정적 태도가 직업만족도, 조직몰입, 이직의도에 미치는 영향
이원희WonHiLee , 박장근JangGeunPark
The purpose of this study is to identify how The positive attitudes of the National Park Service employees working in recreational areas and its impact on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and their switching of jobs. The results are as follows: The First, the diversification of the sub-factors of the positive attitude and the positive self-castle influence on the internal job satisfaction, while the positive social impact castle is inappropriate. The diversification of the sub-factors positive attitude and the positive effect on job satisfaction cross the castle is no outward. positive social impact castle is negative. The Second, the diversification of the sub-factors of the positive attitude and the positive self-castle influence on the affective organizational commitment, while the positive social impact that castle is inappropriate. The diversification of the sub-factors of the positive self-castle and the positive social impact castle on the affective organizational commitment is appropriate. The diversification is negative. The third, the diversification of the sub-factors of the positive social impact castle influence on change jobs, while the diversification, the positive self-castle are nagative.
Key Words
National Park, positive attitudes, jobs satisfaction, organizational commitment, switching of jobs
Influence of Professionalism on Job Embeddedness and Job Burnout of Life Time Sports Instructors 생활체육지도자의 전문가주의가 직무착근도 및 직무소진에 미치는 영향
51(1) 323-332, 2012
Influence of Professionalism on Job Embeddedness and Job Burnout of Life Time Sports Instructors 생활체육지도자의 전문가주의가 직무착근도 및 직무소진에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of professionalism on job embeddedness and job burnout of life time instructors. Subjects of the study were selected out of members of sports centers across the nation in 2011. Total 365 questionnaires were used using by convenience method. The data were recorded and analyzed using the SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 7.0 to do an exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation coefficient, t-test one-way ANOVA and multiple regression. Results are as followed. First, for differences of individual characteristics, there was a significant difference in self-regulation for professionalism based on gender. There was a significant difference in self-determination and commitment for age and instruction experience. There was a significant difference in fitness and sacrifice factors for job embeddedness based on age. There was a difference in fitness for instruction experience. There was a significant difference in job burnout for gender and dehumanization. Second, professionalism and job embeddedness has significantly influenced on self-regulation, commitment, and self-determination for association factors, on reference and commitment for fitness and sacrifice factors. Professionalism and job embeddedness has significantly influenced on reference, commitment, and self-regulation for emotional burnout and dehumanization factors, on lack of achievement for all factors.
Key Words
professionalism, job embeddedness, job burnout, life time sports instructors
Relationship Among Social Support, Psychological Well-Being and Depression of Elderly Participate in Physical Activity 신체활동 참여 노인들의 사회적 지지 경험과 심리적 안녕감 및 우울의 관계
51(1) 333-344, 2012
Relationship Among Social Support, Psychological Well-Being and Depression of Elderly Participate in Physical Activity 신체활동 참여 노인들의 사회적 지지 경험과 심리적 안녕감 및 우울의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among social support, psychological well-being and depression of elderly participate in physical activity. Total of 300 respondents were analyzed, the data was analyzed by exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, oneway-ANOVA, correlation analysis, reliability analysis and structure model analysis using SPSS 17.0 & AMOS 7.0 program. The major results of this study were as followings. First, As regards participation of physical activity, elderly participated in physical activity more 4days of the week compared with 1day or 3days of the week had high scores on personal relations among psychological well-being. And elderly participated in physical activity more 4days of the week had low scores on depression. Also, elderly participated in physical activity more than 24 months had high scores on personal relations. Second, social support of elderly participate in physical activity influenced significantly positive on psychological well-being. Third, social support of elderly participate in physical activity influenced significantly negative on depression. Fourth, psychological well-being of elder participate in physical activity influenced not significantly on depression.
Key Words
social support, psychological well-being, depression, physical activity
The Influence of Leisure Experiences on Leisure Identity in the Regular Soccer Club Members 조기축구 동호인들의 여가경험이 여가정체성에 미치는 영향
김백관BaekKawnKim , 김인형InHyungKim
51(1) 345-355, 2012
The Influence of Leisure Experiences on Leisure Identity in the Regular Soccer Club Members 조기축구 동호인들의 여가경험이 여가정체성에 미치는 영향
김백관BaekKawnKim , 김인형InHyungKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of leisure experiences of the regular soccer club members on their leisure identity. In order to achieve the objective of the study, 356 individuals of morning soccer clubs in Ulsan were selected by using purposeful sampling. Based on the collected data, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used and the results of the study were as follows. First, the age group of 31~40 and above 41 showed higher self-affirmation factor, efficacy perception factor, social relation factor and daily life escape factor than the age group of under 31 in case of leisure experiences. Only the daily life escape factor among the sub-factors of leisure experience according to the participating period was shown higher in the group of more than 10 years than the group of under 5 years of participation. Second, the age group of 31~40 showed higher identification factor than under 30. The group of 31~40 and above 41 showed higher emotional attachment factor and self-esteem factor than under 31 in case of leisure identity. Third, the self-affirmation, daily life escape and efficacy perception in order, which are the sub-factors of leisure identity, had meaningful influences on the identification factor of leisure identity. The self-affirmation, efficacy perception, and the daily life escape in order meaningfully influenced the self-esteem factor of leisure identity.
A Study on Foreign Workers' Leisure Activity Participation and Leisure Constraints 외국인 근로자의 여가활동 참여와 여가제약에 관한 연구
연분홍BoonHongYeon , 오세이SeiYiOh
51(1) 357-366, 2012
A Study on Foreign Workers' Leisure Activity Participation and Leisure Constraints 외국인 근로자의 여가활동 참여와 여가제약에 관한 연구
연분홍BoonHongYeon , 오세이SeiYiOh
The purpose of the study was to know foreign workers' leisure activity participation and leisure constraints, to help their social and psychological stability by analyzing and investigating the relationship between them and make them have better quality of life in Korea. In this study, total 181 Chinese workers in Korea were extracted as the target. Using purposeful sampling in non-probability sampling, collected questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS Windows V16.0 program and frequency analysis, t-test and one-way ANOVA analysis and the following results were deducted. First, leisure constraints for foreign workers' personal characteristic were distinguished in age, marital condition, family condition, level of education, religion and length of residence. Second, as analyzing low variables for leisure activity participation, statistical difference was appeared significantly only in immanent constrained factor. Third, as analyzing difference of low variables for leisure activity participation, statistical difference was appeared significantly only in interpersonal constrained factor.
The Relationship Between The Participation Restriction in Golf and Leisure Demeanor & Amusement 골프 참여제약이 여가태도 및 재미에 미치는 영향
김명선MyoongSunKim , 박순문SunMunPark , 이평원PyoungWonLee
51(1) 367-376, 2012
The Relationship Between The Participation Restriction in Golf and Leisure Demeanor & Amusement 골프 참여제약이 여가태도 및 재미에 미치는 영향
김명선MyoongSunKim , 박순문SunMunPark , 이평원PyoungWonLee
This study is to investigate the relationship between the participation restriction in golf and leisure demeanor & amusement. For the object of this study, after we set up circumstances, such as a group of men and women who are currently participating in golf in Seoul and Gyeonggi areas in 2010, it was given to a cluster random sampling of the total 504 that was composed of 354 men and 150 women. There are the following results of the assembled data using the statistical programs which are SPSS 15.0 Version. First, Golf participation constraints on leisure attitudes were partly to influence. Second, Golf participation constraints on the fun part was to influence. Third, Golf participants to the fun part of the leisure attitude appeared to be affecting.
Key Words
Participation Restriction, Leisure Demeanor, Fun
The Analysis of Mediating Effects of Leisure Satisfaction and Leisure Flow Within the Relationship of Leisure Function and the Psychological Well-Being of Participants in Leisure Sports 여가스포츠 참여자들의 여가기능과 심리적 안녕감 관계에서 여가만족과 여가몰입의 매개효과 검증 연구
최아림AhRimChoi , 윤용진YongJinYoon , 이건희GunHeeLee
51(1) 377-386, 2012
The Analysis of Mediating Effects of Leisure Satisfaction and Leisure Flow Within the Relationship of Leisure Function and the Psychological Well-Being of Participants in Leisure Sports 여가스포츠 참여자들의 여가기능과 심리적 안녕감 관계에서 여가만족과 여가몰입의 매개효과 검증 연구
최아림AhRimChoi , 윤용진YongJinYoon , 이건희GunHeeLee
The purpose of this study is to verify the relationships among leisure function, leisure flow, leisure satisfaction, and psychological well-being of participants in leisure sports. The subjects were participants in leisure sports in Seoul in Korea, and total 407 questionnaires were used for analysis. For the statistical methods, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis(CFA), correlation analysis, and structural equation model(SEM) were included. Also, the bootstrapping method was used to test mediating effect and the significant level was set α=.05. The results of this study are as follows; First, leisure function had positive effects on leisure satisfaction. Second, leisure function had positive effects on leisure flow. Third, leisure satisfaction had positive effect on psychological well-being. Forth, leisure flow had no positive effect on psychological well-being. Fifth, leisure function had positive effects on psychological well-being. Sixth, leisure satisfaction mediated the relationship between leisure function and psychological well-being. Lastly, leisure flow not mediated the relationship between leisure function and psychological well-being.
The Relationship Between Recreation Specialization, Leisure Satisfaction and Happiness - Verifying the Moderating Effects of Serious Leisure 레크리에이션 전문화와 참여만족 및 행복의 관계: 진지한여가의 조절효과 검증
김미량MiLyangKim , 김동제DongJaeKim , 권창기ChangGiGwon
51(1) 387-396, 2012
The Relationship Between Recreation Specialization, Leisure Satisfaction and Happiness - Verifying the Moderating Effects of Serious Leisure 레크리에이션 전문화와 참여만족 및 행복의 관계: 진지한여가의 조절효과 검증
김미량MiLyangKim , 김동제DongJaeKim , 권창기ChangGiGwon
This study was carried out in order to verify the moderating effects of serious leisure in the relationship between recreation specialization, leisure satisfaction, and happiness of people who participate in leisure activities. For the study, data was collected from structured questionnaires completed by 244 adult subjects who participate in a variety of leisure activities. Using SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0, research results were deduced from frequency analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, and structural model analysis. The results of the study were as follows. First, results indicated that it is appropriate to group serious leisure into high level group and low level group. Second, the proposed research model was confirmed to be appropriate for factors such as recreation specialization, leisure satisfaction, and happiness. Third, the research model varied significantly between high level serious leisure group and low level serious leisure group, confirming that serious leisure is an important moderating variable in the relationship between recreation specialization, leisure satisfaction, and happiness. These study results are meaningful in that it makes suggestions about how to participate in leisure activities for best results.
Key Words
recreation specialization, leisure satisfaction, moderating effect of serious leisure
Development of Dance Instructional Model for Social-Emotional Learning at Secondary School 중·고등학생의 사회-정서 학습을 위한 표현활동 무용수업 모형 개발
51(1) 397-410, 2012
Development of Dance Instructional Model for Social-Emotional Learning at Secondary School 중·고등학생의 사회-정서 학습을 위한 표현활동 무용수업 모형 개발
The purpose of this study is to develop a expressional dance class model for social-emotional learning of secondary students in physical educational courses and curriculums. In the first of the four stages in the method, a social and emotional competence theoretical frame(self-awareness, social awareness, responsible decision making, self-management and relationship management) of SEL and a curriculum(Thinking, Feeling, Behaving; TFB) were selected through a precedent research. In the second stage, by applying the contents of the first stage to the expressional dance class, an educational goal was set and the curriculum consisted of dance creating, dance exploring and dance sharing. Next, the 12-session dance instruction guideline and teaching-learning strategies were suggested in the third stage. Finally, in the fourth stage, the tools such as relationship change scale, global interpersonal communication competence scale and problem solving inventory were suggested for assessing SEL expressional dance class model. Thus, this study is significant in that, by applying social and emotional competence ,which is the theoretical frame of SEL, and the representative SEL programs to P. E. classes and expression activity subjects, new comprehension and means of teaching-learning method and effective teaching strategies were established to teach the dance class model effectively for social-emotional learning of secondary school students.
Key Words
dance instructional model, social-emotional learning, secondary school
Future Perspectives and Research Paradigms of Dance as an Academic Discipline in Digital Era 디지털시대 무용학 연구패러다임과 미래전망
태혜신HyaeSynTae , 박명숙MyongSukPark
51(1) 411-427, 2012
Future Perspectives and Research Paradigms of Dance as an Academic Discipline in Digital Era 디지털시대 무용학 연구패러다임과 미래전망
태혜신HyaeSynTae , 박명숙MyongSukPark
The change due to the digital revolution has recently begun to stand out in the dance studies as well as the modern dance area. Although the dance studies related to digital has come out gradually from 1991, it is achieved in the various area such as the choreography, dance documentation, dance motion analysis, dance education, dance aesthetics, dance management. The main problem is that the general paradigm is not being presented yet in the dance studies related to digital over the past 20 years. Therefore, The purpose of this study was to re-establish the paradigm of the dance studies, and to predict the future of the digital dance study area in the general point of view. In consequence, it is anticipated with, at first, the contact detonation of dance studies regarding the identity of human body related to the digital technology, second, the development of the digital simulation dance area reflecting to the demand of a social stratum and social variables classified by age, gender, and generation by the importance of the social welfare, third, the development and improvement of the methodology of dance studies by using digital mass-media, fourth, the public recognition of the value of dance performing arts reflecting to human nature and spirit through the human body due to the emergence of respecting human nature.
Key Words
digital revolution, digital simulation dance area, digital dance study
Changes of Muscular Strength and Balance Ability After Rehabilitation Programme Related with Graft Choice in ACL Reconstruction 이식건 종류에 따른 전방십자인대 재건술 후 재활운동프로그램 참여가 근기능과 균형능력에 미치는 영향
최현식HyunSikChoi , 신윤아YunAShin
51(1) 429-440, 2012
Changes of Muscular Strength and Balance Ability After Rehabilitation Programme Related with Graft Choice in ACL Reconstruction 이식건 종류에 따른 전방십자인대 재건술 후 재활운동프로그램 참여가 근기능과 균형능력에 미치는 영향
최현식HyunSikChoi , 신윤아YunAShin
The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of muscular strength and balance ability after eight weeks rehabilitation programme allograft and autograft in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. The eighteen subjects participated in rehabilitation programme 3 times per week for eight weeks. Isometric strength test and balance ability test were done before rehabilitation programme, in fourth and eighth week during rehabilitation programme. These findings indicate that rehabilitation programme improve knee joint isometric strength and balance ability after ACL reconstruction. Therefore, the rehabilitation programme can help the recovery of knee joint muscular function and balancing ability after ACL reconstruction. However, there were no differences in extensor and flexion strength recovery pattern between the allograft and autograft used for the reconstruction. Recovery pattern may be affected by the difference in stabilization period and adaptation related to graft types in ACL reconstruction. Further study is needed investigation of the difference in muscle strength after long-term rehabilitation programme between the graft types.
Effects of NADPH oxidase p22phox C242T Polymorphism on Oxidative Stress According to the High Intensity Aerobic Exercise NADPH oxidase p22phox C242T 유전자 다형이 고강도 유산소 운동에 따른 산화적스트레스에 미치는 영향
조수연SuYounCho , 노희태HeeTaeRoh
51(1) 441-449, 2012
Effects of NADPH oxidase p22phox C242T Polymorphism on Oxidative Stress According to the High Intensity Aerobic Exercise NADPH oxidase p22phox C242T 유전자 다형이 고강도 유산소 운동에 따른 산화적스트레스에 미치는 영향
조수연SuYounCho , 노희태HeeTaeRoh
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of NADPH oxidase p22phox C242T polymorphism in oxidative stress according to the high intensity aerobic exercise. In this study, treadmill running was carried out for 40 healthy male and female at 85%VO2max until the point of all-out. Blood-sampling was carried out five times(Rest, end of exercise, after 0.5h, 4h and 24h of recovery), and with the collected blood, plasma malondialdehyde(MDA), superoxide dismutase(SOD), and lymphocyte DNA damage were analyzed. Plasma MDA and SOD concentration appeared to be significantly increased at end of exercise(p<.05), and MDA concentration appeared to be significantly higher in CC genotype than T allele at end of exercise(p<.05). For the degree of lymphocyte DNA damage, all %DNA in the tail, Tail length and Tail moment appeared to be significantly increased at end of exercise(p<.05), but there were no significant differences between polymorphism. These results suggest that NADPH oxidase p22phox C242T polymorphism is associated with oxidative stress according to the intensity aerobic exercise and T allele is a more effective oxidation-reduction ability than CC genotype.
Key Words
NADPH oxidase p22Phox C242T pholymorphism, MDA, SOD, DNA damage
Effects of 8 Weeks Lumbar Stabilization Exercise Program on The Muscle's Cross-Sectional Area, Pain and Dynamic Balancing Capability of Patients with Lumbar Disk Herniation 요추 추간판 탈출증 환자의 8주간 요부안정화운동이 근 단면적, 통증 및 동적균형능력에 미치는 영향
김찬회ChanHoiKim , 김원문WonMoonKim , 이한웅HanWoongLee
51(1) 451-461, 2012
Effects of 8 Weeks Lumbar Stabilization Exercise Program on The Muscle's Cross-Sectional Area, Pain and Dynamic Balancing Capability of Patients with Lumbar Disk Herniation 요추 추간판 탈출증 환자의 8주간 요부안정화운동이 근 단면적, 통증 및 동적균형능력에 미치는 영향
김찬회ChanHoiKim , 김원문WonMoonKim , 이한웅HanWoongLee
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of lumbar stabilization exercise for 8 weeks on muscle's cross-sectional area, pain levels and dynamic balancing capabilities in patients who were diagnosed the Lumbar Disk Herniation with chronic. Nineteen volunteers were divided into two groups(lumbar stabilization exercise group; 9, non-exercise group; 10). For a statistic comparison examination in this study the PASW Statistics 18 program was used. This research has obtained the following conclusions based on the finding and analysis of the influence of lumbar stabilization exercise group on changes in muscle's cross-sectional area, pain levels, dynamic balancing capabilities. From that examination, in muscle's cross-sectional area was an insignificance, but in VAS improvement, lumbar stabilization exercise group showed more effects than non-exercise group and in dynamic balancing capabilities area showed the same outcome in that improvement in lumbar stabilization exercise group. In that point of view, patients who were diagnosed the Lumbar Disk Herniation are considered to take variety of functional activities and lumbar stabilization exercises in early days of disease.
Key Words
lumbar stabilization exercise, muscle's cross-sectional area, VAS, dynamic balancing capability, Lumbar Disk Herniation
Exercise-Induced BDNF and Postsynaptic Proteins Induction by Epigenetic Modification in Hippocampal CA1 운동에 의한 후성 유전적 조절에 따른 해마 CA1 영역에서의 BDNF 및 postsynaptic 단백질 발현 유도
김동문DongMoonKim , 어수주SuJuEo , 임예현YeaHyunLeem
51(1) 463-471, 2012
Exercise-Induced BDNF and Postsynaptic Proteins Induction by Epigenetic Modification in Hippocampal CA1 운동에 의한 후성 유전적 조절에 따른 해마 CA1 영역에서의 BDNF 및 postsynaptic 단백질 발현 유도
김동문DongMoonKim , 어수주SuJuEo , 임예현YeaHyunLeem
We evaluated that the 15 day-period of endurance exercise might induce BDNF and postsynaptic proteins in hippocamapl CA1, and the exercise-induced BDNF might be involved to the epigenetic mechanism and the chromatin remodeling modifi- cation. Mice were subjected to treadmill-running for 15 days of period(19m/min, 60min/day). The immunoreactivities of BDNF (141%, p<.05) and p-ERK1/2 (134%, p<.05) protein were higher in exercised group than that in sedentary group, although TrkB levels were no difference between groups. The expression levels of PSD95 (154%, p<.05), NR2B (163%, p<.05), and synapsin 1 (155%, p<.05) proteins were enhanced in exercised mice compared with sedantary mice. Third, the p-MeCP2 (134%, p<.05) and acetyl-histone H3 (148%, p<.05) levels were increased in exercise group compared with sedentary group while HDAC 5 protein levels were reduced in exercised mice (48%, p<.01). p-CREB/CREB (178%, p<.05) and p-CaMKII (145%, p<.05) levels were enhanced in response to exercise. Collectively, the endurance exercise can induce BDNF via epigenetic modification, hereby enhancing postsynatic proteins expression and synaptic plasticity in hippocampal CA1 region of mice.
Development and Validation of Student Amotivation Scale in High School Physical Education 고등학교 체육수업 무동기 척도 개발 및 타당화 검증
천승현SungHyeonCheon , 장형심HyungShimJang
51(1) 473-485, 2012
Development and Validation of Student Amotivation Scale in High School Physical Education 고등학교 체육수업 무동기 척도 개발 및 타당화 검증
천승현SungHyeonCheon , 장형심HyungShimJang
This article outlines the initial development of a multidimensional measure designed to assess students' amotivation in Korean high school physical education(PE). First, we asked high-school students currently enrolled in PE classes about their experiences of amotivation so that we could generate a pool of items. In Study 1(n=260), an exploratory factor analysis of these items supported the hypothesized multidimensional amotivation construct with five dimensions: deficiency of ability, deficiency of effort, low value placed on the task, unappealing task characteristics, and problematic relationship. In study 2(n=179), a confirmatory factor analysis again supported the factorial structure. The supported model comprised these same five factors. Further, each of the five factors correlated negatively with students' future intention toward physical activity, a finding that supports the predictive validity of both each individual factor and the scale overall. Regarding gender differences, females reported more amotivation than did males. The multifaceted nature of students' motivational deficits in PE classes, as represented by their amotivation scores, should be considered in teaching and learning in the physical education.
Key Words
physical education amotivation, effort, ability, value on the task, task characteristics, problematic relationship
Study on Physical Activity Level and Blood Lipid in Intellectual Disabled Children 지적장애아동의 신체활동량과 혈중지질성분 분석
강선영SunYoungKang , 박주희JooHeePark
51(1) 487-493, 2012
Study on Physical Activity Level and Blood Lipid in Intellectual Disabled Children 지적장애아동의 신체활동량과 혈중지질성분 분석
강선영SunYoungKang , 박주희JooHeePark
The purpose of this study was to examine the physical activity level and blood lipid in intellectual disabled children. Twenty participants divided into two groups: participation(n=10) and non-participation(n=10). Participation group joined physical activities during a year to one and half year. Actical was used to measure physica activity. The data were analyzed by independent t-test and pearson's correlation using SPSS 12.0. As a result, physical activity level of participation group was significantly higher than non-participation group(p<.05). In blood lipid, TC of participation group was lower than non-participation group(p<.01), and HDL-C of participation group was higher than non-participation group(p<.01). Also this showed a positive correlation between daily activity and HDL-C and a negative correlation among TC, TG, and LDL-C. In conclusion, children with intellectual disability need active intervention and designed physical activity program to prevent chronic disease.
According to the Social Needs of Adapted Physical Activity Majors Building Educational Conditions 사회적 요구에 따른 특수체육 관련 학과의 교육여건 구축
51(1) 495-506, 2012
According to the Social Needs of Adapted Physical Activity Majors Building Educational Conditions 사회적 요구에 따른 특수체육 관련 학과의 교육여건 구축
The purpose of this study to learn about the social needs through leading universities, the educational conditions for it to build adapted physical activity majors are in a direction. The following research was conducted by the procedure. Step 1 to collect and analyze the literature of social background and educational needs were identified. Step 2 of the 11 leading universities were education programs. Step 3 of the 10 university courses in adapted physical activity majors were analyzed. In step 4, to meet the needs of social and proposed future direction of education. Its contents are as follows: First, general education should be enhanced. Second, the major multilateral approach of the course should be made. Third, a variety of informal educational programs must be carried out. Fourth, the employment and career training should be conducted. Fifth, practical, and should lead to practical skills. Sixth, should lead character education. Seventh, general education, professional training and informal education to support the educational environment must be built.
Key Words
adapted physical activity curriculum, ACE program
Effects of Aerobic Exercise and Lactate Administration upon GLUTs, MCTs and LDH Isozyme Expression of Hippocampal tissue in the Strepzotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats 유산소운동과 젖산투여가 Streptozotocin 유도 당뇨쥐의 해마조직에서 GLUTs, MCTs 및 LDH 동위효소 발현에 미치는 영향
이상학SangHakLee , 윤진환JinHwanYoon , 김창주ChangJooKim
51(1) 507-516, 2012
Effects of Aerobic Exercise and Lactate Administration upon GLUTs, MCTs and LDH Isozyme Expression of Hippocampal tissue in the Strepzotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats 유산소운동과 젖산투여가 Streptozotocin 유도 당뇨쥐의 해마조직에서 GLUTs, MCTs 및 LDH 동위효소 발현에 미치는 영향
이상학SangHakLee , 윤진환JinHwanYoon , 김창주ChangJooKim
We examined the Effects of a aerobic swimming exercise on GLUTs, MCTs and LDH expression of hippocampal tissue in the strepzotocin-induced diabetic rats. To achieve the purpose of this study, thirty-six male Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned to control, diabetic exercise group injected with saline and diabetic exercise group injected with lactate. 24 rats were forced to exercise according to exercise protocol for 2weeks and 12 rats were untrained for control group. Brain tissue were extracted from the each. The changes of LDH isozymes activity, MCTs and GLUTs protein expression were measured. LDH isozyme activity of brain tissues of trained diabetic hippocampal tissues injected with lactate showed further increased activity than trained diabetic saline groups. MCT2 and GLUT3 in hippocampal tissues of lactate groups with exercise were increased to saline groups. These studies have shown that MCT2 and GLUT3 proteins are up-regulated by a lactate and aerobic swimming exercise. Thus MCT2 and GLUT3 belong to a class of selected metabolic factors that are up-regulated with an lactate injection and exercise stimulus. These results suggest that combine swimming exercise lacatate administration may improve cognitive deficiency via increase of LDH activity and expression of MCT2 and GLUT3 in hippocampus of streptozotocin-induced rats.
The Effect of Food Restriction and Exercise on Appetite Relating Hormone and Lipoprotein Lipase(LPL) Activity in Rat 식이제한과 운동부하가 식욕조절관련 호르몬 및 LPL활성에 미치는 영향
권태동TaeDongKwon , 김기훈KiHoonKim
51(1) 517-526, 2012
The Effect of Food Restriction and Exercise on Appetite Relating Hormone and Lipoprotein Lipase(LPL) Activity in Rat 식이제한과 운동부하가 식욕조절관련 호르몬 및 LPL활성에 미치는 영향
권태동TaeDongKwon , 김기훈KiHoonKim
The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of activity of lipoprotein lipase(LPL) and level of appetite control hormone for repeated feeding and exercise during five weeks. Thirty-two Sparague Dawley male rats were divided into 4 groups as follows: control group(CON, n=8), repeated fasting and refeeding group(RER, n=8), RER+exercise group(RER+EX, n=8), 50% volume of pair feed as RER group(PF, n=8). The results were as follows: There was significantly decreased in body weight and fat mass compared to control group(p<.05). The level of leptin was more significant decreased at three groups than control group(p<.05). The level of ghrelin was more significant increased the three groups than control group(p<.05). It is exhibit opposite tendency between the level of leptin to ghrelin. The activity of LPL was significantly decreased only PF group compared to other groups. Meanwhile there was inverse proportion LPL activity to appetite control hormone(r2=0.2383). However there was no correlation LPL activity to appetite control hormone. Consequently, The results were as follows: There was decreased LPL activity in adipose tissue by food restriction and repeated fasting and refeeding including exercise for five weeks. and there was induced to decrease body weight and fat(%) by correlation roles of leptin and ghelin.